The benefits of preparing vouchers in Excel and importing into Tally are many. This saves a lot of time and can be convenient as you can copy-paste, fill down, use formulas and do lot more in Excel. This can be immensely helpful while :
- Preparing year-end entries like depreciation
- Huge volume of entries in sales, purchases, etc.
- Entries repeating in a particular frequency
- Import bank statements
- And most important, import transactions from another software.
See Video Tutorial :
● Create necessary ledgers
Create all the necessary masters (ledgers) in Tally first. Here I've created two ledgers - "ABC Wholesalers" and "XYZ Distributors" under the group "Sundry Creditors". Also, I've created a "Medicine Purchase" ledger under the group "Purchase Accounts". Note that while creating masters by copy-pasting the names from excel, invisible characters can join to the end of the text, which can create errors while importing. In such cases, save the excel as text/csv and open in Notepad++ and copy-paste from there. You can also copy-paste from excel to Notepadd++ first and then from there to Tally.● Make a sample entry in Tally
Create a sample voucher exactly of the nature of the vouchers to be imported. Here I've created a Journal Voucher with Medicine Purchase Dr. Rs.2000 and ABC Wholesalers Cr. Rs.2000. In case of vouchers involving multiple ledgers, create similar one as sample.● Export the sample voucher from Tally
Open day book (Display > Day Book) and press Alt+E to export the day book to XML format. Note that there shall be only a single voucher that we created above on this day. This step is to create a template for import. The exported file will be saved to Tally folder as "DayBook.xml"● Open the XML file exported from Tally
You can use any advanced editors like Notepad++ with syntax highlighting or simply use notepad. Take note of the data fields.● Prepare data to import in Excel file
- Please note that the columns shall be in the exact order as the data fields appear in the xml file above.
- The date field shall be in YYYYMMDD text format. This shall be either entered into a text formatted column or use formulas like =CONCATENATE (TEXT (YEAR (A1),"0000"), TEXT(MONTH(A1),"00"), TEXT(DAY(A1),"00")) where A1 contains the date.
- Decimals must be limited to two. Use =ROUND(Number, 2) function to achieve this. The decimals may appear in the display to be two due to the formatting of the cells and be different internally. In such case, it may lead to an error while importing.
- Numbers shall not be comma separated or currency formatted, but formatted as numbers.
- The debit value shall be negative. Both debit and credit should tally. Use some function to check this. Else, it may cause error while importing.
- Since tally uses the ledger name to match while importing, it is very important that the ledger names used in excel is exactly the same as that in Tally. To avoid typos you may export the ledger masters from tally (Gateway > Display > List of Accounts > Alt+E) as a text file and use Copy+Paste.
- Special characters in the data including those in ledger master names and narrations can cause errors while importing to tally. To find this or replace, open the data as text/csv in Notepadd++ and use the regular expression [^a-zA-Z0-9\,\.\-\r\n\s]+ which matches all characters other than alphabets, digits, comma, dot, hyphen, linefeed, carriagereturn, and space. This can be removed or replaced with some acceptable character. This step can be done in the generated final xml also.
- Special characters in ledger master names will have to be corrected manually in Tally, and if there are a large number of masters, it can be exported as xml, corrected, and imported back.
● Copy XML portion to edit
Copy the portion of the XML from <TALLYMESSAGE xmlns:UDF="TallyUDF"> to </TALLYMESSAGE> to a new file. This is the portion we need to replace. Note this position in the original xml file, since we have to paste the final output here. The header and footer XML codes shall remain unchanged.● Remove identifiers
- In the copied XML, remove the values (highlighted in yellow) from the tags <VOUCHER> and <GUID> which are unique identifiers inserted by Tally. Remove the values only, and not the tags.
- Also remove the entire tag <EFFECTIVEDATE>xxxx</EFFECTIVEDATE>, (highlighted in yellow).
- Optionally you may remove everything inside the <VOUCHER> tag (underlined in red). This is optional.
● Format the XML to single lines
Separate the static data (the XML tags) and the variable data (the values) into separate lines. Remove the linefeeds and ensure that all the XML tags before and after the data are on a single line. This can be done easily in Notepad++ by selecting the required text and pressing Ctrl+J.● Insert columns in Excel
Insert one column each between the columns of data in Excel.● Copy-paste the XML static data lines
Copy each static data line of the XML (highlighted in yellow) and paste it into the first row in the respective columns in the Excel sheet.● Drag the cells to auto-fill into all rows
Use fill-handle and drag to auto-fill the data to all rows in the column.
● Concatenate / Copy data
- Use concatenate function =CONCATENATE(A2,B2,C2,...,N2,O2) to combine data of all the columns in a row. Use CTRL+Click inside the function to select cells one by one. Drag using fill-handle to apply the formula to all rows. In case of very lengthy xml tags, concatenate function can trigger errors.
- You can also simply select and copy the entire cells directly and paste in Notepadd++. The concatenate step can be avoided altogether.
- But in such case, remove tab characters after pasting. Use regex \t in Notepad++ to find and replace tab characters.
● Paste the XML data to original file
Copy the concatenated data or from the cells directly and paste it into the original XML file in the same position to replace the text. Do not modify the xml tags in the beginning and at the end. Save the XML file.● Import into Tally
Before doing import, ensure to configure the following: Load the company > Press F12 (configure) > General > Ignore errors & continue during data import - set this to YESIn Tally, go to Import of Data > Vouchers. Enter the xml filename with path and press enter to import. In case of any error, see the import log file tally.imp in the Tally folder. Analyzing this file can identify why the error occurred.
● Complete
The vouchers would be available in the day book.The same method can be used to import masters (ledgers) also. For this, go to Display > List of Accounts and export as XML for schema. Then use the same methods to generate an XML and go to Import of Data > Masters to import it to Tally.
Thankx for your Great Effort sir. Can you please do the same for "sales with Inventory" it will be really Great for ppl like me. Please Sir thx
ReplyDeleteThis method can be used for any type of vouchers including sales with inventory. In that case create a sample voucher of your desired type and use that as the template.
DeleteThe xml imports only 01.04.2019 and not subsequent date entries. The error log also not displaying description. it only states Number of errors.
ReplyDeleteAny remedy to rectify this.
Please check the data for errors. Date & number formats shall lead to such errors.
DeleteIn tally education mode , we can pass entries only on 1st,2nd and 30/31st of every month.
Deletewe cannot pass entries on remaining dates
Parse error, possibly no single root or element has mixed content
ReplyDeletePlease check your XML for syntax errors. Date & number formats shall lead to such errors.
Not working for payment vouchers. For purchase it works fine. After purchase I tried payment vouchers but it does not work.
ReplyDeleteI made a sample payment voucher and exported it. Then created the template as per your instructions. Imported back to Tally erp. Gives "Parse error, or not single root or element mixed up" error. WHat needs to be done.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the information, It really helped me for my task.
Can you please assist on how to add BANKALLOCATIONS.LIST in tally XML.
Thanks and regards
Thanks for your help....
ReplyDeleteHow do u follow below step ?
ReplyDeleteCopy each static data line of the XML (highlighted in yellow) and paste it into the first row in the respective columns in the Excel sheet.
u use replace function. please xplain what symbol is in the search option?
in notepad ++
Nothing is to be replaced in this step. Just copy each static line to respective columns in the excel sheet. Later it will be dragged to all rows in the sheet.
DeleteEureka!!!! It Works...Thank you Manu...
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your new method so that i have learned about importing data to tally and it has saved my time.
ReplyDeleteHello sir, your explanation is just aweosome and user friendly. i have one confusion that if a certain ledger is not available in tally then how can I order tally to open that ledger?
ReplyDeleteThat is not possible in this way. The ledger must be there in Tally and needs to be matched.
ReplyDeleteWhen creating Fixed Deposit where can we mention Date of Maturity and Interest Rate?
ReplyDeleteIn Receipts and Payments of Tally is there a way we can find out total fixed deposits that we have? If yes, how to go about it.
That depends on how you have structured the ledgers. If they are under a group called deposits, you can see it in the Balance Sheet.
DeleteHi in Tally Receipts and Payments is there a facility to know the total value of FDs? If yes, how to go about it.
ReplyDelete"Parse error, or not single root or element mixed up" while uploading payment vouchers, please suggest the way forward for troubleshooting
ReplyDeleteThe data you import may contain restricted characters, or the method you do might be incorrect. Please try the method with one single voucher and thereafter increase the volume if successful.
DeleteRemove the VCHKEY= "" from the tag after the TALLYMESSAGE TAG. It will work.
DeleteThanks a lot for the awesome tutorial. I am trying to use the method for adding Salary vouchers. In my XML file I am having , and tags. Do i need to modify the values between these tags or should i remove these tags? Every time i download a sample Daybook xml, these values keep on changing. Please help how should i deal with these tags
ReplyDeleteRemove the values only, and not the tags.
DeleteThanks a lot, its working :)
Deletehello sir,i have an issue with importing data using journal with stock item and vat ledger,how can i import them
ReplyDeleteWhat is the issue?
DeleteCan we remove "2-Apr-2019 at 23:40 2-Apr-2019 at 23:40" completely or at least the value inside tags?
ReplyDeletePlease contact me with screenshots of your issue.
DeleteSir I have more than 5000 entries, trying your method, Parse error, i really can't figure out, i followed the method to T. All the date formats are correct, decimal is restricted to 2. Syntax is correct! i checked all the tags, opened and closed. What could be the reason for parse now?
ReplyDeleteObviously, the issue can be only in the data. Try importing just 1 voucher, then 10, and thus try increasing the numbers, and find out where the problem is.
DeleteNot even 1 entry is getting accepted
DeleteThen there is something seriously wrong with the data. Please verify the data thoroughly. That is the only solution. Read all the above comments for possible errors and solutions.
DeleteI am using notepad++ but am unable to delete the line breaks with replace command. Also I am getting "22:51:59 : Line 52: Parse error, possibly no single root or element has mixed content"...Plz help.
ReplyDeletePlease refer to that line number. There might be some error in the syntax or some characters might be triggering the error.
Delete@Manmohan Sethumadhavan, Hi I am Sanjay from the Youtube, where I said that I could do the uploads in Tally with The word file, but I am geting these error"21:28:42 : Line 604: Semi-colon ; expected." and those data are not uploaded.Plz help to rectify the error.
DeleteThe problem lies in your data. Some special characters might be the reason. Try to import 1 voucher first.
DeleteSpecial characters in the data including those in ledger master names and narrations can cause errors while importing to tally. To find this or replace, open the data as text/csv in Notepadd++ and use the regular expression [^a-zA-Z0-9\,\.\-\r\n\s]+ which matches all characters other than alphabets, digits, comma, dot, hyphen, linefeed, carriagereturn, and space. This can be removed or replaced with some acceptable character.
Deleteissue will happened while importing data with string content "&,"",'" in fields.. so it is very difficult and transaction with inventory details can not import ..
ReplyDeleteThat is a common issue with XML, Tally and other data handling. In that case, remove such characters from your data before processing.
DeleteMy first entry is getting imported and all the remaining entries are showing error of Parse error, possibly no single root or element has mixed content. When I tried to break the line and do the same in batches, it again imported the first transaction and showed error for all the rest. What might be the error ?
ReplyDeleteThere might be some error in the structure or data. Some special characters might be the cause. Please see the tally error log. Also, enable the setting to continue even if there is an error. These are described in the post.
DeleteSpecial characters in the data including those in ledger master names and narrations can cause errors while importing to tally. To find this or replace, open the data as text/csv in Notepadd++ and use the regular expression [^a-zA-Z0-9\,\.\-\r\n\s]+ which matches all characters other than alphabets, digits, comma, dot, hyphen, linefeed, carriagereturn, and space. This can be removed or replaced with some acceptable character.
DeleteIt was very useful and he is very much cooperative. I have contacted him personally and he provided so much help form me. Together we have closed certain issue i faced. I was totally unaware of XML language but still i can handle it. First 2-3 times it was totally failure and i seek help from him. But he encouraged me to check it again which provide me much confidence to make multiple types of entries in which i am successfully importing ledgers. Thanks bro. Regards-Arunkumar Trivandrum
ReplyDeletei was importing ledger group with gst details but only 5 ledger got imported and remaining didn't the error shows that parse error , possibly no single root or element has mixed content
ReplyDeletePlease go through the above comments. The data may contain some special characters, or the syntax might be wrong.
DeleteSir, not able to import tally, it will exit when try to import. tally.imp file says as follows:
ReplyDeleteImporting Data from 'C:\Users\Default\Documents\ImportApr.xml' on 4-Aug-2021 at 14:35:
Importing Data to company: 'Previse Management Consultants Private Limited'
Semi-colon ; expected.
Semi-colon ; expected.
Semi-colon ; expected.
Semi-colon ; expected.
Semi-colon ; expected.
Semi-colon ; expected.
Semi-colon ; expected.
Total number of ERRORS : 36
What could be the issue?
Please go through the above comments. The data may contain some special characters, or the syntax might be wrong.
I also was encountering these problem, this is generally due to special characters in narration, specially "&" sign or "\"
DeleteI have used this method many time successfully, but today when i am trying this, after 10s of attempts i am not able to successfully able to import all of the records
DeleteI have aprox 250 records and only 1-2 or max 10-12 records gets imported and thats all
There is no error message or such and now i am totally clueless.
I would highly appreciate if you could help me out
What I have done so far:
1. removed all special characters from narration
2. copy pasted exact ledger names from tally
3. remote id and guid id removed
Now I really have no clue whats wrong. There is no specific error message
I have used this method many time successfully, but today when i am trying this, after 10s of attempts i am not able to successfully able to import all of the records
ReplyDeleteI have aprox 250 records and only 1-2 or max 10-12 records gets imported and thats all
There is no error message or such and now i am totally clueless.
I would highly appreciate if you could help me out
What I have done so far:
1. removed all special characters from narration
2. copy pasted exact ledger names from tally
3. remote id and guid id removed
Now I really have no clue whats wrong. There is no specific error message
Please see the tally error file. Also, try with 1 record and if it gets imported, simply duplicate that to many and try. If it works, the issue is within the data only.
DeleteThe Tally error file doesnt state any specific error
DeleteHere is the error
Importing Data from 'D:\Dropbox\One Drive\Tally 9\Jugad\NJ\20-21\rcptsnew.xml' on 26-Dec-2021 at 02:55:
Importing Data to company: 'NJ'
Number of Entries Created : 1
Total number of ERRORS : 1
Earlier I was getting semi colon error, but after removing special characters from narration that problem is solved, but still i am not able to get it through
There 12 specific entries which are getting import everything time, and i done see any specific pattern in those 12 enteries which make it different from other enteries.
It is highly frustrating , coz i have done this 100s of times, everytime there are teething issues which gets resolved, but this time, it has been 3 days, without any success.
If we you wish and available lets do a quick anydesk or call.
Appreciate your efforts
I have an issue with excel data to Tally. Should the xml file be saved on desktop or in the Tally file? How will I get the Import File Name (XML) when importing to Tally?
DeleteYou can learn how to import xml from this video :
DeleteSir 100 Times Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello Sir !! I saw the youtube that you explained and when i upload my file, The tally shows and error and it exits
ReplyDeleteThe data you import may contain restricted characters, or the method you do might be incorrect. Please try the method with one single voucher and thereafter increase the volume if successful.
DeleteI am actually trying to post a payment voucher and i followed all the steps but it is not working. When i import the data the tally gives me the under error and exists
Delete"Exiting Tally"
Internal Error - Contact Tally Solutions
Software Exception c0000005
Please help me sir as i have a real big data and i am stuck
You have to go with the trial and error method yourselves. Try an old version of Tally. Try with a single entry of data first. Check for any special characters inside your data.