I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything ...

I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything ...
Peter Lynch’s “invest in what you know” strategy has made him a household name with investors both big and small. An important key to inve...
The problem apparently is about 'progress'. Now, who is to make the progress, and progress towards what? I have said this repeated...
Discard all traditional standards. Leave them to the hypocrites. Only what liberates you from desire and fear and wrong ideas is good. As ...
Mantra Yoga, Kundalini Awakening, Chakras, Gayatri : Throw it out, but hang onto your being, your own Self. Don’t accept anything except y...
There are no distinctive marks of Jnana. Only ignorance can be recognized, not Jnana.A Jnani does not claim to be something special. All...
Once you realize that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdo...
CCleaner developed by Piriform, is actually a utility used to clean potentially unwanted files and invalid Windows Registry entries ...
To expound and propagate concepts is simple, to drop all concepts is difficult and rare - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
तात चिन्मात्ररूपोऽसि न ते भिन्नमिदं जगत् । अतः कस्य कथं कुत्र हेयोपादेयकल्पना ॥ You are the substance of consciousness. The world is You. Wh...
If the world is false, then the plan and its creator are also false - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Every atom in this world, be it of gold or iron, carbon or oxygen – is made up of the same particles. The difference is only in their numb...
What is born, the objective body, will, in due course, die; thereafter it will be dissolved, i.e., irrevocably annihilated. The life-force...
Indeed there is no such thing as "enlightenment". The apperception of this fact is itself enlightenment! All paths lead to unrea...
There are three kinds of people in a “spiritual” train journey. 1. The "normal" person, who is just bothered about his family, fo...
Situation where investments in products eligible under section 80C may be beneficial even if the net income is lower than the taxable limit....
Because you want some satisfaction according to your own concepts, you try to qualify unalloyed bliss. The term "ananda" (bliss)...
भावाभावविकारश्च स्वभावादिति निश्चयी। निर्विकारो गतक्लेशः सुखेनैवोपशाम्यति॥ Existence, non-existence, change - this is the nature of things...
Finance Bill 2021 has proposed that employee contributions over 2.5 lakh will be taxed as per slab. Here is a simple illustration of how th...
In my true state of unicity, there is neither presence, nor absence. Absence of the presence of presence and absence of the presence of ab...
न चक्षुषा गृह्यते नापि वाचा नान्यैर्देवैस्तपसा कर्मण वा । ज्ञानप्रसादेन विशुद्धसत्त्वस्ततस्तु तं पश्यते निष्कलं ध्यायमानः ॥ Cannot be perc...
Forget the known, but remember that you are the knower. You are beyond the experience, ever unborn and deathless. - Sri Nisargadatta Mahar...