Planarian worms cut into pieces, grow into separate organisms. If each organism has a soul, where from did these extra souls come? Individ...
There is no such thing as matter in itself. What we perceive as matter is merely the manifestation of a force that causes the sub-atomic p...
When the fallacy of concepts and beliefs are exposed, the common argument raised is "Till I am ready, let me have such concepts"...
You can recite and discuss scriptures all you want, but until you drop everything, you will never know the Truth. Ashtavakra Gita
● The entire manifested universe exists only in consciousness. ● As an appearance in consciousness, the world is the totality of the know...
Why do we want to delete history and cookies? Apart from privacy reasons, definitely it is to increase free space on your drive, and to ...
All you get by waiting is more waiting. Absolute perfection is here and now, not in some future, near or far. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj