Spirituality in wonderland: Just to understand that 'Alice' is a fictional character in 'wonderland' is not enough. There...

Spirituality in wonderland: Just to understand that 'Alice' is a fictional character in 'wonderland' is not enough. There...
• Consciousness is a reflection of the Absolute against the surface of matter, bringing about a sense of duality. • Awareness becomes consc...
यस्यामतं तस्य मतं मतं यस्य न वेद सः । अविज्ञातं विजानतां विज्ञातमविजानताम् ॥ To whomsoever it is not known, to him it is known. To whomsoeve...
• You think you were born, but what was born was duration in which you as an object have become perceptible. • What you think you are, is ...
• A single rice grain has the potential life of acres of paddy. It is a living being. • Isn’t it cruel when you kill them for food? • The i...
- As long as we are in the phenomenal world, we can perceive only that. - We cannot be that-which-we-are until we wake up from the dream of ...
- Any action based on the notion of an autonomous, independent entity implies a fundamental failure to grasp the essentials of Advaita. - S...
The space within the pot, is known by its shape & volume and appears to have a separate identity. When the pot breaks, the space with...